2.Dick Blick: Blick also has online and brick and mortar, and they recently opened a Seattle Store. Blick has more student-grade options for supplies than Daniel Smith, so if you want to try a technique on a lower price-point, Blick is a great place to start. They offer teacher discounts, and catalogs as well.
3. JetPens: I've given JetPens a ton of love on here, and it is because if you need a pen, they have it. Those Uni-Ball Signo white pens that can be difficult to find? They've got them. Want to try a different white pen? They've got a ton. I believe the right pen can enhance your handwriting, so its worth it to spend some time finding the right one.
5. Michaels: I struggled with the 5th choice because it really isn't insightful, but when you need canvas or sketchbooks on the cheap, the coupons help. I prefer Michaels to Joanns, which is funny because ten years ago I preferred J's.
Do you have a favorite supplier I missed?
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