Journaling Prompt- Finding the silver lining
As I have mentioned, there has been a lot of fun in our house lately, and not the good kind. I snapped pics of things this weekend, and I haven't printed them yet, but they tell a sweet story, and I thought I'd share. My husband has spent the last several days rebuilding the engine in his car. This picture shows the dash torn down to the firewall so he can put in the new heating core. Here he is working on the wiring under the dash. Isn't he lucky to have a wonderful wife who will capture him working? It's totally the same thing if I am documenting progress and he is making progress, yes?
Honestly, I feel so grateful that he knows how to repair this, since he has been a tech forever, which is since they had those Flintsontes cars. A joke in our house is that he sits on his laurels because his Mom made a passing comment that suggested that all he does is sit about the house. For the past five days, he has either worked on the car all day, or gone to work and then worked into the night. I really am grateful that he has put so much into keeping things running well for us. He is definitely not sitting on his laurels, although I am pretty sure he would give anything to be able to lately!
It hasn't been all bad, the neighborhood peacock stopped by at 6:30 am on Saturday to say hi, so my oldest got to see him, which she liked. She did try to tell her little sister it was a dog, which didn't fly with Budgie. Smart girl that one.
Its been nice out, so the girls have been playing outside constantly. The oldest is riding her bike, and the youngest is either playing on the rocks in the driveway, or rolling down the hill.
How are things going for you? Rough? Good? What's your silver lining?
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